Opus Klassik Nomination

I am excited to announce that my album, "Chasing Heisenberg", has garnered multiple nominations for the esteemed "Opus Klassik" music award. This recognition is truly an honor.

Many of the fantastic projects I’ve been privileged to work on have also received nods – sending all the good vibes to my amazing colleagues at @mondenaquartet and @maltevief ‘s Kammer.

I’m deeply grateful for every single one of you who’ve tuned in to listen.

Clemens Poetzsch
"Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit" & "Remember Tomorrow"

Am 14. Mai erkunden Thomas Rühmann und ich gemeinsam die faszinierende Welt von Stan Nadolnys "Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit". Dieser mit dem Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis ausgezeichnete Bestseller ist mehr als nur eine historische Erzählung - er bietet eine tiefe Reflexion über Zeit, Wahrnehmung und den Wert der Langsamkeit in unserer hektischen Welt.
Als 2018 mein Album "Remember Tomorrow" entstanden ist, ging ich durch eine Phase, in der ich auf der Suche nach meinem eigenen Rhythmus war. Heute freue ich mich, diese damals entstandenen Kompositionen neben diesen großartigen Text zu stellen.
Feiern wir gemeinsam die Schönheit der Langsamkeit - diesen Sonntag um 11 Uhr im Theater am Rand.
Die letzten Tickets gibt es hier.

Clemens Poetzsch
Apple Music´s "10 Classical albums you must hear this month"

"Chasing Heisenberg" made its way into Apple Music´s "10 Classical albums you must hear this month" selection.
It's wonderful to find my album in such good company with artists like Vanessa Wagner, Fazil Say, Martha Argerich and Ruby Hughes.
What Apple Music says:
By turns dreamy and foot-tappingly propulsive, Poetzsch exalts in harmonic suspensions, pedal points, superimposed chords and added-note harmonies. The result is a collection of time-suspending soundworlds set in motion by a series of eureka moments that can neither be predicted nor enforced.
Anyone who chimes with the reflective side of the late, great Lyle Mays, long-time keyboard player with the Pat Metheny Group, will adore this album.”

Clemens Poetzsch
„Helle Welten“ (Official Music Video)

Moments of inspiration arise when using time to specifically let go and forget all the musical mechanisms and rules you have learned. Then one actively enters a state of blurriness.
For me, „Helle Welten“ represents this - one of my first creations in the album. I sat at the piano for several hours a day for a week and had no inspiration on where to start. Suddenly, the piece was born!
This state is what I appreciate most about making music, and as an admirer of Damian Marhulets‘ art, I am very proud that he has created a visual interpretation of „Helle Welten“.

Clemens Poetzsch
New Album "Chasing Heisenberg" out now

„Chasing Heisenberg“ is a pure solo piano album - both a come back and a search for me.
In the last months of my search and on the way to the creation of this music, I stumbled upon the Uncertainty Principle. It was formulated in 1927 by the physicist Werner Heisenberg. It says that it is impossible to determine the location and the momentum of a particle at the same time. It eludes our gaze and cannot be pinned down, either. The image of the world cannot be brought into focus at will - beyond a certain point, you find yourself in a blur.
I was fascinated by this idea because I am familiar with blurring and encounter it almost daily as a composer and improviser. No matter how much I research and gather knowledge as a musician, the most important part of my music- the igniting spark of inspiration; the emotional moment I want to share-cannot be planned, predicted nor constructed.
This search inspires me anew every day, when I am on the road, playing concerts, or sitting at the piano in my studio.

Enjoy this album and listen wherever you stream music.

listen to Chasing Heisenberg

Clemens Poetzsch
New single "Belvedere" out now

Belvedere, in architectural history, is a term that refers to a building or part of a building that is laid out to provide a beautiful and expansive view.
For me, it not only describes a place, but also stands for a state of consciousness in which one is completely with oneself - in a moment where time is irrelevant and you wait for thoughts and ideas, capture them and deal with them in your very own rhythm - in a real calm atmosphere.

Every day at the same place, every day the same view out.
Often the same kind of waiting. Over and over again - and yet it is the loveliest place.

🎧 > listen to “Belvedere”:

Clemens Poetzsch
New single "Anmut" out now

In movements, in nature, in art, in the way of speaking; in the length of pauses or chords - grace can be discovered almost everywhere.

It gives a delicate, natural beauty and tranquility - in turn, it is rare. 

Every time I encounter it, in large and small forms, it gives me pause and inspires me. This composition captures a moment when grace shimmered for me quite by accident. These small moments of discovery mean a lot to me precisely because they are rare and I am happy to share this piece of music with you.

🎧 > listen to “Anmut”:

Clemens Poetzsch
New single FLIMMERN out now.

“Above the stillness is the flicker.

From it comes this movement, this impulse!

It gets stronger and stronger, turns into a rousing feeling, until you almost can't control it.”


The precious moments on stage are the ones when you let go and lose yourself in improvisation and freedom. Moments when the very space, sound of the instrument, and the mood of the audience combine to create a unique mix - when melodies and harmonies meld in an unplanned way that surprise you. The birth of this piece spanned a few months during concerts when new parts are added at each performance given. 

'Flimmern' is the first single from my upcoming album.


🎧 > listen to “Flimmern”:

photo: Sandra Ludewig

Clemens Poetzsch
NEW SINGLE Sep. 2nd // New Album

A year ago I began collecting and writing intensively. I wanted to transform all that resonated within me during this new period into new music. It has been an intense, beautiful and challenging time and I am looking forward to sharing a new album with you very soon. The journey begins next Friday with the first single "Flimmern".

It's great to have you with me.



Vor einem Jahr habe ich intensiv begonnen zu sammeln, zu schreiben und all das, was während dieses neuen Zeitabschnitts in mir resoniert hat, in neue Musik zu verwandeln. Es war eine intensive, schöne und fordernde Zeit und ich freue mich, sehr bald ein neues Album mit Euch teilen zu dürfen.Die Reise beginnt nächsten Freitag (2.Sept) mit der ersten Single "Flimmern".

Schön, dass ihr dabei seid.


Clemens Poetzsch
Nomination "Opus Klassik"

My album "The Soul of Things" has been nominated for german music prize “Opus Klassik” (Category New Classics). I'm proud and over the moon - thanks for being part of this journey and thanks to all beautiful souls involved.


Clemens Poetzsch
One Hand Piano / Breitkopf & Härtel

I´m proud to find my music published by Breitkopf & Härtel , the oldest publisher of music in the world.
Barbara Arens, a well-known composer, has put together a book of special compositions. What makes the compositions unique is all pieces are played with either the right or left hand, including a piece composed by yours truly.
A wonderful thought - this type of music is for all pianists who want to improve their weaker hand or who can play with just one hand temporarily or permanently. This is like hitting two birds with one stone - you play enjoyable music and improve yourself.
I love challenges like this and wrote the track "Left on the Wave" for the book.
You will also find great Original One Hand Pieces by Alison Mathews, C.P.E. Bach, Garreth Broke, Mandyczewski, Nikolas Sideris and of course Barbara Arens.
Thanks Barbara, thanks Breitkopf & Härtel - "One Hand Piano 2" out now.

-> order here <-

Clemens Poetzsch
28.5.2022 // Berlin, Gärten der Welt

Ein Klavierabend vor der blühenden Kulisse der Gärten der Welt.
Am 28.05. bin ich mit der großartigen Babett Niclas (Harfe) zu Gast bei "Culture Verte" in den "Gärten der Welt" und wir spielen Musik aus dem aktuellen Album "The Soul of Things".
Es wird ein wunderbarer Abend an diesem besonderen Ort.


-> Facebook-Event


Clemens Poetzsch
"Vanguard Award" - Hand-picked by Queen drummer Roger Taylor for Best Score at the Idyllwild Film Festiva

Last year, I had the honor of writing the score for the movie, "The Swimmer".
This beautiful movie, directed by Sophie Salzer, was part of this years competition at the Idyllwild Film Festival, also known as “The Best Little Film Festival on Earth” (per Hollywood Reporter).
As a big fan and admirer of the legendary band, Queen, I am honored that juror himself, Roger Taylor, presented the Vanguard Award for my score. The movie, The Swimmer, will premiere soon.

Clemens Poetzsch