Tour-Update 🇭🇷🇨🇿🇩🇪

Hello everyone, as autumn slowly sets in, I’ll be packing my things and playing some concerts.

I’m really looking forward to festivals and concerts in Croatia, the Czech Republic, and of course Germany.

25.9.24 Bad Säckingen | Akkorde-Festival *
3/4/5.9.24 Zollbrücke | Theater am Rand
18.10.24 Oldenburg | Haus des Hörens
25.10.24 Spiekerogg | Inselkirche
26.10.24 Lübeck | t.b.a.
20.11.24 Brno (CZ) 🇨🇿 | Multikulturní Centrum Brusinka
22.11.24 Cakovec (KRO) 🇭🇷 | JazzFair Festival
01.12.24 Zollbrücke | Theater am Rand **
04.12.24 Leipzig | Villa Rosenthal

Enjoy the autumn, and see you soon. 🍁

* mit Reentko Dirks und Erkin Cavus
** „Entdeckung der Langsamkeit mit Thomas Rühmann

Clemens Poetzsch
Kind words about 'Collateral Flow'

Thank you to the german press for very kind words about the new album 'Collateral Flow’.

„Ein Hochgenuss“ / “A pure delight” - (MORGENPOST)

„Ein faszinierendes Duo-Album“ / “A fascinating duo album” (Sächsische Zeitung) 

„Album des Monats“ / “Album of the Month” (BR Klassik Sweetspot)

„Gute Musik brauch kein Etikett“ / “Good music needs no label” - (Kultkomplott)

Die beiden erschaffen wuchtige Balladen, in die Folk und Flamenco, Afrikanisches und Keltisches einfliessen, die aber doch Jazz bleiben“ / “The two create powerful ballads that blend folk and flamenco, African and Celtic influences, but still remain jazz” (Kulturtipp)

Ein wunderschönes Album, das man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte!“ / “A beautiful album that should not be missed!” (


'Collateral Flow' on LP/CD and Streaming

Clemens Poetzsch
New music video 'Riverine'

Imagine you're walking along a riverbank in the morning - everything is quiet, there's a light mist over the landscape and not a soul to be seen. The nearest supermarket is 20 minutes away by car, and reception on the phone is almost non-existent.

Everything seems to stand still, only the river flows slowly and steadily.

The peace that takes hold of you in such a situation can be overwhelming. Then you go straight into the house to the piano and play the first notes.

The upcoming album ‘Collateral Flow’ was created in this environment, and ‘Riverine’ describes one such morning.

Enjoy the music,


- > ‘Riverine’ is available digitally on all music platforms.

Clemens Poetzsch
New single ‚Reflexion‘.

I like the idea that compositions form a kind of projection surface - both for the listener and for the musicians. This piece has been with me for many years and has often been played in different formations. I have recorded it three times so far: Solo, with the amazing Rabih Lahoud on vocals and now with Reentko. If you decide not to chisel compositions in stone, i.e. not to notate every note exactly, it opens up the possibility of having a musical conversation while playing.

One note more or less here, a differently coloured chord - everyone can incorporate their own style, and in the end a mixture is created that cannot be planned in advance.

Enjoy the music,


'Reflexion' is available digitally on all music platforms.

Clemens Poetzsch
En route von Porto bis Trier (Tour-update 2024)

Ich freue mich auf die nächsten Konzerte an diesen Orten. (Tickets hier)

Porto (PRT) 🇵🇹 , Santa Catarina (FNAC In-Store Show)


Porto (PRT) 🇵🇹 , Vila Nova de Gaia (FNAC In-Store Show)


Marinha Grande (PRT) 🇵🇹 , Theatre Stevens


Porto (PRT) 🇵🇹 , Municipal Theater of Matosinhos



Witzenhausen, Ringelnatz

Doppelkonzert mit Malte Vief

Göttingen, UMG

Doppelkonzert mit Malte Vief

Freital, Saxstall


Trier, Tufa


Zollbrücke, Theater am Rand

Storytellers (mit Thomas Rühmann und Reentko Dirks)

Zollbrücke, Theater am Rand

“Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit” mit Thomas Rühmann

Neuinszenierung nach Sten Nadolny mit Musik aus dem Album “Remember Tomorrow”

Dresden, Jazzclub Tonne

feat. Reentko Dirks - Releasekonzert ‘Collateral Flow’

Zollbrücke, Theater am Rand

feat. Reentko Dirks - Releasekonzert ‘Collateral Flow’

Neustrelitz, Alte Kachelofenfabrik

feat. Reentko Dirks - Releasekonzert ‘Collateral Flow’

Zollbrücke, Theater am Rand

“Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit” mit Thomas Rühmann

Neuinszenierung nach Sten Nadolny mit Musik aus dem Album “Remember Tomorrow”

Clemens Poetzsch
"Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit" & Solokonzert am 17.12. im Theater am Rand

Als ich zum ersten Mal das Buch „Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit“ von Sten Nadolny gelesen habe, war ich ergriffen – von der Gedankenwelt des Hauptprotagonisten und der bedingungslosen Ruhe und Gründlichkeit, mit der er sein Leben gestaltet. Von der Beschreibung von Geduld und Langsamkeit, auch der eindrücklichen Schilderung einer Kriegsszene, für die Autor Sten Nadolny den Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis erhalten hat. Seitdem mich Thomas Rühmann gefragt hat, ob ich speziell für eine Bühnenadaption des Buches die Musik meines Albums „Remember Tomorrow“ beisteuern möchte, ist „Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit“ ein stetiger Begleiter für mich. Am Sonntag, dem 17. Dezember (11 Uhr), bringen wir gemeinsam dieses Stück wieder auf die Bühne des Theaters am Rand – am Sonntagnachmittag spiele ich dann um 16 Uhr ein Solokonzert mit Musik aus den Alben „Chasing Heisenberg“ & den „Upright Reframings“.


-> Tickets

Clemens Poetzsch
Introducing the collaborative album, 'Collateral Flow':

I love writing and composing music for solo piano - besides, an essential part for me is to exchange ideas with other musicians, to make music together, and to inspire each other.

One of these musicians is Reentko Dirks, a unique guitarist and good friend.

I love his warm and distinctive way of handling the guitar and admire his music, which has taken him to many stages worldwide (such as Carnegie Hall).

We've collaborated for years on film music projects - besides this work, we have always exchanged ideas, written new music specifically for guitar and piano, and brought some of our compositions into this sonic universe.

And at some point, the idea for this album emerged from this interplay, which took place on the side.

Unexpectedly beautiful things often happen on a journey. They can't be planned; they just happen, and you just have to capture them. That's why this joint album will be called 'Collateral Flow', and you can listen to the first single 'Tidewater' today. 


Listen to ‘Tidewater’

Clemens Poetzsch
'a closer listen' & Thank you!

A brief moment to express my gratitude: It's been exactly one year since the release of my album 'Chasing Heisenberg,' which was soon followed by 'The Upright Reframings.'

In time for this first anniversary, the blog 'A Closer Listen' has published an article filled with kind words about my music.

My thanks go out to Garreth Broke for the appreciation. And to all of you who have listened—thank you.

When you're sitting alone in your studio, facing a blank sheet of paper, your focus is purely on the act of creation, not on how your ideas will be received. That my music has found a resonant place with you is something I cherish and never take for granted.


Clemens Poetzsch
New EP 'Chasing Heisenberg (Upright Reframings)'

Everyone has a Bucket List, right?
There's one thing that has long been at the top of mine, and I've now fulfilled it.
After five albums that I recorded on grand concert pianos, I wanted to record music on a heirloom that has been in our family for decades.
An old practice piano that tuners of concert grand pianos would probably only smile at wearily.
A piano where the marks of time are immediately visible.
A piano on which tens of thousands of hours have been practiced.
On this piano, my grandfather once taught my then 5-year-old father. (Swipe for a photo from 1960).
This family heirloom has been my constant companion, the instrument I play on nearly every day - its warm sound is the perfect match for this recording.
'The Upright Reframings' are out now: 5 alternative versions of pieces from my album 'Chasing Heisenberg', played on this beloved instrument. I am very proud to share this recording with you.
Give it a listen; I believe this music can be a good companion - especially as it gets colder.

-> listen here

Clemens Poetzsch
Celebrating 'Ütopya': A New Album by Erkin Cavus and Reentko Dirks with Special Guest Clemens Christian Poetzsch

Kudos to my dear friends, Erkin Cavus and Reentko Dirks, on the release of their new album, ‘Ütopya’. I’m delighted to join them again as a guest.

They shared the following thoughts:

“‘Ütopya’ is released today, along with our new single and video, ‘Galeri Avrasiya’. Erkin and I are very happy to have the wonderful Clemens Christian Poetzsch joining us once more on the piano.

The vision of this track is: Once famous for its traffic jams, the Avrasiya Tunnel is now the longest gallery in the world, displaying art by international artists and the citizens of Istanbul alike.”


Here you can watch their latest video, ‘Galeri Avrasiya’.

Clemens Poetzsch
NEW: 'Persante' is out today.

The new single ‘Persante’ is out today.

This circular melody came to my mind after I played the first concerts with my album 'Chasing Heisenberg'. At that time, I was on the Polish Baltic Sea, gathering ideas and jotting down notes that had occurred to me during the tour. In this place, the River 'Persante' flows into the sea after its long journey through Poland. It ends there, but at the same time, it doesn't. A beautiful image for this melody, which seems to spin endlessly.”

🎧 -> Listen to ‘Persante’ here

Clemens Poetzsch
New upcoming EP "The Upright Reframings"

Some weeks ago, I had the opportunity to reinterpret selected pieces from my album “Chasing Heisenberg” on a special instrument. I had previously recorded my last albums in large studios on big Steinway concert grand pianos. However, these compositions were often written at home on my vintage family piano, which my grandfather used to give piano lessons on in the 50s.

I always considered this little upright piano sufficient for practicing and working, but for making recordings? I thought it was perhaps too old, too weak, too unstable.

Time can prove you wrong. After many hours of work, we managed to restore this piano to a condition where making recordings became possible.

The result is a collection of quiet, intimate variations of my pieces from “Chasing Heisenberg”, embracing the unique sound of this piano. I am proud that this family heirloom is now available for everyone to hear, and today, I would like to share with you Part 1 of the “Upright Reframings”.

-> Listen to “Belvedere (Upright Reframings) <-

Clemens Poetzsch
New Single Collaboration ‘Ütopya’ Out Now

Whenever I want to listen to guitar music, I find myself returning to the compositions of Erkin Cavus and Reentko Dirks .Their music and playing are so pure and clear, focusing on sheer beauty with a subtle but strong underlying virtuosity - always inspiring to listen to.
Today marks the release of “Ütopya”, the first single from their upcoming album and as a friend of these amazing musicians I’m proud to have been invited to add my kind of light to this wonderful piece.
Listen to „Ütopya“ or watch the music video which was directed by Javier Sombremazas.

Clemens Poetzsch