Clemens Christian Poetzsch
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Clemens Christian Poetzsch belongs to the younger generation of composers who effortlessly navigate between classical music, jazz, and electronic music.

The multi-award-winning artist has so far released five solo albums, toured worldwide, and performed solo concerts at prestigious venues such as the Elbphilharmonie in Germany.

As a pianist, composer, and arranger, he has collaborated on numerous albums and productions with genre-defying artists and ensembles, many of which earned critical acclaim and international chart success, including a platinum-certified release.

His music is a defining voice in numerous film, theater, and ballet productions, celebrated for its unique character and evocative power.

upcoming Concerts


Kassel, Theaterstübchen

feat. Reentko Dirks - ‘Collateral Flow’

Zollbrücke, Theater am Rand

Storytellers (mit Thomas Rühmann und Reentko Dirks)

Zollbrücke, Theater am Rand

“Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit” mit Thomas Rühmann

Neuinszenierung nach Sten Nadolny mit Musik aus dem Album “Remember Tomorrow”

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Featured Music 

‘Helle Welten (Upright Reframings)’

out on Neue Meister / Edel 2023


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